Tuesday 3 July 2012

Premium Beautiful (PB) an eye opener chapter 4: Pakai korset tu penuh kepura-puraan??? siapa cakap?

Dear all...

i remembered when i was a houseman in HRPZ11 (was then known as HKB).. i was in orthopaedic posting and my specialist at that time told me about his encounter with a salesgirl in oh-so-awesome-KB Mall (then)...hehehehe

he said, "i don't understand you women" while waving his head. "how come this salesgirl come to me and promote a corset to my wife?!!". He look kinda upset when he said that. he told me that why do women need corset when the effect was temporarily decieving everybody vision so u can look pretty on the outside while you are actually suffering inside? "...and furthermore the shaping effect was temporary and what happen when you got back from a party? backache and your body just poofed up!! perempuan memang penuh kepura-puraan.." he was soooo serious when he said that, that i don't dare to laugh.

the fact was, i was laughing so bad inside that my stomach hurt and i have to run to the pantry to laugh out loud!! the image of her petite wife poofed up after pulling of the corset was permanent in my head till now...hihihihi..like a blooming cotton or a popping popcorn! (@_@)

i had believed him UNTIL i found the ever so great, one and only Premium Beautiful.. :-))

why so? let me share with you...

1. PB is an immediate shaping undergarments
--> sistem jahitan stereoskopik nyer yg istimewa dengan details pada ketebalan dan kenipisan lapisan kain pada korset PB menyebabkan peralihan lemak kita akan kembali kepada kedudukan asalnya. takde laa develop extra breast at the back or extra spare tyre at the sides kan? best....

2. PB can put your normal anatomy back to its original place.
--> Ye laa, tarikan graviti ni kan kuat, nak buat macam mana, kita tak boleh halang graviti, tapi kita boleh support our baggage so it will not pulled down by gravity.. so hasilnyer ...maintain!!

3. PB contains Far Infra Red ray
--> that is equivalent to heat energy that has the same wave as our body water molecule. when you wear it, it will vibrate with the cells and promotes fat cells breakage and dilates blood vessels, hence improve circulation. while wearing it without doing anything, it has already burn our calories, imagine when we are wearing it a few hours a day? keep on burning all those extra fat :-)

4. PB akan menganjalkan dan memampatkan tisu badan
--> dengan teknologi fabrik akwatek akwadyne yg i shared before this, PB bukan sahaja mengelakkan kejadian2 'poofing' selepas membuka korset, malah able to maintain the ideal body shape. hebat kaaaaan??? saya suke2!!!

5. PB got chiropractic acknowledgement by 3 countries
--> sistem 7 tetulang keluli memori yang lembut memberi support yg menyeluruh dan pada masa yang sama tidak menyakitkan sama sekali... kalu sakit --> SALAH SAIZ! bayangkan kalau US, Canada & cuebec boleh bagi anugerah chiropractic pada bengkung PB, tentulah ia tak menyebabkan sakit belakang, malah membantu untuk menghilangkan sakit belakang!! Amazing!!!!

so in summary, kita elakkan hidup penuh kepura-puraan seperti yang sesetengah orang anggap, obviously they have never met PB. :-) we do need help to support us to maintain our beauty and our health, so why not start today, with PB..and trust me, your life will definitely


with luv,
Belle Extraordinaire

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